Join the Lab

Undergraduate Students
There are many opportunities for undergraduates to get involved in the lab. We have opportunities for working with experiments in the lab, greenhouse, and the field. We also have opportunities for theoretical projects if you are interested in working with mathematical or simulations models. Some of these projects may be of interest to computer science, mathematics, or engineering majors. You do not have to major in biology to work in the lab!
If you are interested, send an email at cfarrior@utexas.edu with the research you are interested in and what you would like to get out of the experience.
Graduate Students
I am currently seeking Ph.D. students to join the lab. The lab group works broadly on understanding the mechanisms that contribute to major patterns in plant ecology through both theoretical and empirical studies. For examples check out the research page. Interested students should contact me at cfarrior@utexas.edu to start a conversation.
Formal applications should be submitted through the UT Austin Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior or Plant Biology graduate programs. Both programs are well-respected, and offer an impressive group of fellow grad students. Applications are due December 1, yearly.
Current opportunities:
Forest dynamics, plant traits, and inclusive theoretical ecology (applications due August 1, 2023)
Stengl-Wyer Postdoctoral Scholars Program (Due in March, yearly)
Other opportunities:
CONTEX Fellowship - for Mexican Citizens
Burroughs Wellcome - Fellowships for physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists or engineers interested in transitioning into biology.
McDonnell Foundation (complexity sciene)
Marie Curie, Individual Fellowships (Global Option - EU based researchers travelling elsewhere)